The BGR-1 Board of Education approved the 2022-2023 tax rate at its August 23 meeting. The rate, approved by the Missouri State Auditor, is $3.8949. This represents our Operating levy, $3.3949, and a .50 cent debt service levy that was approved April 2, 2019. This remains one of the lowest tax rates of Missouri School Districts in Northeast Missouri and provides for a balanced budget for the fifth year in a row.
Each year the Missouri State Auditor (SAO) provides forms that districts must use to calculate the tax rate. If the assessed valuation increases by more than the consumer price index (7 %), the tax rate will decrease. This is commonly referred to as the Hancock Amendment. If the assessed valuation, less new construction and improvements, is less than the prior year, the tax rate increases. The difference for those that may own a home assessed at $100,000 is about $5 for the year.
2021-22: $100,000 x 19% x .038678 = $734.88 BGR-1 taxes for 2021
2022-23: $100,000 x 19% x .038949 = $740.031 BGR-1 taxes for 2022
It is important to remember your tax bill includes taxes to a number of other taxing authorities. BGR-1 is just one of several taxing authorities. Although BGR-1 is setting a slightly higher tax rate, as described above, your overall tax bill is also affected by all taxing authorities and your new valuation. State law requires districts to report separate levies by a blended rate. Since BGR-1 serves two counties (Ralls and Pike) the district sets one tax rate for all taxpayers.