BGR-1 Family and Community,
We are surveying students, staff, parents and our community as a part of our process for updating our Strategic Plan and would like your input. Recently, we created a representative group from our community to help with ongoing feedback and shared direction, known as our Key Communicators. At our recent meeting, we looked at perceived Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within our current system of preparing our students to be able to meet their potential in a safe and supportive environment. The Key Communicator group viewed a presentation with several highlights over the last five years. We ask that you review these three linked documents (the Strategic Plan, Key Communicators Makeup and the Presentation of highlights over the last five years) and help us with filling out the appropriate survey linked below. The survey will be open for about three weeks, and we hope to gain valuable insight as we plan for the next five years of serving students in our school community. If you are a community member living in our district, we ask that you fill out the Community Survey. If you are a parent of a student, we ask you fill out the Parent Survey and if you live in our school community, also fill out the Community Survey. If you are a Staff Member, we ask that you fill out the Staff Survey. If you are a Staff Member that is also a Parent, or also a Community Member, we ask that you fill out those surveys from that perspective as well. If you would like assistance, or cannot fill out a survey from a device, we invite you to come to one of our school offices for assistance. Thank you for your help as we continuously seek improvement making our district the best in the region!
Community Survey:
Matthew L. Frederickson, PhD
Bowling Green R-1 School District
700 West Adams Street
Bowling Green, MO 63334
Phone: 573-324-5441
Fax: 573-324-2439
Follow me on Twitter at or @BGSUPT
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